Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the winds of change

maurie and i have been grafted into a house church community in norwood (a city inside cincinnati). hitherto we have simply leeched off said community ( in an effort to detox from our previous church experience and hear a fresh word from God.

it was not our intention to find a home so quickly. we braced ourselves for what we thought might be a long season of desert-like travel and orphan-like living. however, God saw it fit to provide for us a cohort of fellow pilgrams and we are happy to have them.

now we must make plans to leave our home in cheviot - not an easy task - and face the winds of change. if you are the praying kind - now's the time. as it stands, we've called off the search.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

we're calling off the search

if you were lost, those would be the worst words you could imagine hearing - right?

calling off the search means that all available resources have been used up and the probability of yielding a positive result has eclipsed the use of further resources. those who have waited for your return have now had their last hopes dashed against the rocks. it would be a tough phone call to make as well as receive.

maurie and i have called off the search. more news to follow.